On my Own

extraordinary Border Collies

for extraordinary people

Dream of Kintyre El Cid x On my Own Gently Gale

DOB: 04.06.2009
"Nuri's Grace of Angels"
HD: A - ED - frei

Zuchthündin bei
"Grace of Angel's Home"

Nuri's hat einen Wurf nach "On my Own Kian red Dragon"

"Nell now or never"


 CEA-PRA-Kat. frei

Glaukom frei
HD: A - ED frei

"On my Own Nothing compares to you"
"Gopi" ist gestorben - Rest in Peace

"On my Own No doubt about"

"Never been like that Phoenix" - verstorben
HD: A - ED - frei

"Number One my Mr. Mason"
HD: A - ED- frei


Club für britische Hütehunde

BRH Bundesverband Rettungshunde

On my Own Border Collies 0